Back in Brisbane & teach again today ... But here is a photo taken in Texas, near New Braunfels, about 20 mins drive from San Marcos, just before the CALICO conference. It was a wonderful experience - lots of good people, good ideas & good contacts to take away & network with. And on the day after the conference it rained so heavily I got wet just waiting under shelter - It has been so long for us in Brisbane, that I'd almost forgotten what real rain is like! :-)
On the day before the conference started I was lucky enough to get a lift with some friends around the surrounding area which strangely has a strong German history - hence the name New Braunfels.
Well, one conference presentation & 1 guest presentation down, 1 more conference to go & then I can go home ... Starting to get a little travel weary - & I think the idea of having to wake up at 4am tomorrow to get planes to go to the next conference is a little daunting ...
Hopefully I'll be able to sleep on the plane!
Lots of great networking done so far & much more to go, I'm sure!
And I'm looking forward to meeting up with other Nth American colleagues who I only see once a year! At least it won't be snowing in Texas tomorrow, as it was here in Calgary this morning?!
YAY!! Solved: the mysterious case of the disappearing comments feature at the end of my posting 3 ago ... suddenly wthout warning the comments feature just disappeared - it was still in the template, just disappeared from the main display ... but now I've discovered the "post options" dropdown menu at the bottom of the posting box that strangely set itself just on that particular posting to "hide comments" ?!
So now that's fixed & I'm happy again! :-)
The workshop went well last Saturday - there are some very interesting and well-designed projects happening & we went through a discussion of the webquests. So by the end of this week I should be able to post links to the new, revised versions here. Once again, I was proud & humbled at the same time at the great leaps in knowledge & understanding my students have made - not to mention skills developed over the last several weeks?!
On Friday we will have another drop-in session - the last for 3 weeks, as I'm going away for 2 1/2 for these conferences in Canada & Texas. But I feel quite confident that they now have the skills to continue working on their own & that their final projects using Hot Potatoes & other assorted media will continue to develop well in the meantime. I'm looking forward to seeing what they have produced when I get back! Of course I won't be out of contact while I'm away - just in (very) different time zones! :-)

This morning we are having the last workshop for this semester - always a sad (& hectic) event! The students have put up their Webquests & they are so creative! Once again I am humbled by how much thought & effort they have put in to this project ... And they will be such a useful resource for their teaching too!
I'm wondering when I should take the step to change my blog over to the new template versions. The fact that somehow the comments option disappeared at the bottom of my last blog posting is cause for concern, but until this semester is over, I am reluctant to change my blog in case I lose some of the valuable links I have embedded! Dilemma ... :(
So this morning I am fooking forward to our discussions & feedack on webquests, working wth audio & video & the vagaries of putting Hot Potatoes exercises up on line ... :-P