Well, one conference presentation & 1 guest presentation down, 1 more conference to go & then I can go home ... Starting to get a little travel weary - & I think the idea of having to wake up at 4am tomorrow to get planes to go to the next conference is a little daunting ...
Hopefully I'll be able to sleep on the plane!
Lots of great networking done so far & much more to go, I'm sure!
And I'm looking forward to meeting up with other Nth American colleagues who I only see once a year! At least it won't be snowing in Texas tomorrow, as it was here in Calgary this morning?!
How are you doing? tired?
Even though going far away and doing presentations are tiring, I envy you for doing something internationally..
Where was the photo above taken?
Stunning photo Debra,
Hope you're not too tired to enjoy the next stage of your journey.
Susan H
Thanks Susan & Moon! I'm now in San Marcos, Texas - no photos yet - been too busy networking & settling in etc.
I hope to take some photos here some time - but so far haven't seen or heard of anything photo-worthing ... but I'll keep looking :-)
Hope you're both working hard & keeping yourselves organised :-)
Doing our best Debra. Moon has uploaded her second assignment and is working furiously on her rationale.
I'm ... hmmm
Hope you're not too tired to enjoy your time away.
Susan H
Now deep in the heart of Texas ...
Moon - the photo above is the 3 Sisters - taken in Canmore which is 1-hour drive NW of Calgary, Canada.
It's smilar name to Mt.Blue in Sydney.. You might know,, Three sisters in Mt. Blue.
In Canada,,Why do they call it, "Three sisters"? Maybe it's not easy to conquer or it has given difficulty to people who want to pass through. Likely, in the past, the names of typhoon were all female name..!!
I don't know theseday I've read too many sexist language for CLN620(Language and Culture) assignment, so, names related to gender/sex,, I start to think in this way.
Anyway .. haveing fun there..
Dr. Hoven,
I attended, via Elluminate, your presentation in Calgary on blogging and other learning applications of technology. I have just enrolled in a Master’s program here at the University of Calgary and am currently taken a new course in Blended Learning by Drs. Garrison and Vaughan. A classmate and I are doing a small project, drawing up blended learning redesign scenario for the university’s English for Professional Purposes (EPP) program. The project they would like us to look at offers professional development in instructional skills and language training for EFL teachers in Mexico. The EPP program would like to reconfigure the program so as to be able to offer components of online to complement and leverage, as it were, the one-month visit to Calgary that the current iteration of the project is limited to.
Ours is just a two-week project so we plan to limit ourselves to just an introduction to key issues and resources. From a blended learning perspective would this happen to bring to mind any particularly rich resources, advice or key issues in any of these areas?
international professional development for teachers
language, cultural or political issues concerning, for example, the construct of community as mediated by technology
blended learning and second-language support for EFL teachers and students in their home countries
Having approached you with this, we are also aware that oppressive demands on professors time are emerging as a crucial issue. Any consideration you can give this is appreciated, but we fully understand if you already overwhelmed with responsibilities to your own students.
Best wishes,
Paul Anderson & Francisca Wilkinson
paul.anderson [AT] telus.net
Or reachable through Norman Vaughan
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