Well, slowly I'm working my way through all my marking ... just about half-way there I think.
Some of the final essays in my assessment subject are really glowing & others needed more reading - oh well that's the way it goes, I guess.
For myself, I really need some time out from the coalface for a while, & a total change of scene - hopefully I'll get this in Vancouver next week. I'm looking forward to some new faces and new ideas since I haven't been to this particuar conference before ...
Oh, & 2 past students have got together in Japan - & good to see too! An interesting & different perspective on the effectiveness of technology for facilitating collaborative endeavours! ;-}
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I'm using this blog to keep track of my thoughts and reflections on the changes I'm making to my teaching online, their effects, and possible options as I go along. This is the third semester I'm running this course in this blended mode, and I'm implementing some more of the changes suggested or requested by students over the last 2 semesters.
About Me
- Name: dlh_downunder
- Location: Canada
I am passionately interested in teaching & learning, and love camping, hiking, photography & all kinds of music.
- Google News
- EuroCALL conference blog
- Amy's blog
- Billo's blog
- Doris's blog
- Esther's blog
- Jean's blog
- Jennifer's blog
- Jessie's blog
- Karen's blog
- Maggie's blog
- Molly's blog
- Natdhaya's blog
- Sherry's blog
- Yuki's blog
- Zahran's blog
- Amy's webquest
- Billo's webquest
- Doris' webquest
- Esther's webquest
- Jean's webquest
- Jennifer's webquest
- Jessie's webquest
- Karen's webquest
- Maggie's webquest
- Molly's webquest
- Natty's webquest
- Sherry's webquest
- Yuki's webquest
- Zahran's webquest
- Amy's Hot Potatoes exercises
- Billo's New Horizon exercises
- Doris's Holiday activities
- Esther's online activities
- Jean's Wildlife activities
- Jennifer's Christmas activities
- Jessie's Australian Wildlife activities
- Karen's Life of Vincent Van Gogh
- Maggie's Welcome to Hong Kong web activities
- Molly's Festival activities
- Natty's World Idols Web activities
- Sherry's Butterfly web exercises
- Yuki's Popular Australian sports web activities
- Zahran's Marvellous Oman
- Mahsa's blog
- Basim's blog
- Natalia's blog
- Kylie's blog
- Julie's blog
- Helen's blog
- Joleene's blog
- Nilly's blog
- Pam's blog
- Anetta's blog
- Yvonne's blog
- Jeff's blog
- Lila's blog
- *Anetta's Webquest
- *Basim's Webquest
- *Helen's Webquest
- *Jeff's Webquest
- Jo's Webquest
- *Julie's Webquest
- Kylie's Webquest
- *Mahsa's Webquest
- *Natalia's Webquest
- *Nilly's Webquest
- Pam's Webquest
- Yvonne's Webquest
- Annetta's Arctic Activities
- Helen's OZ style ESL Activities
- Jeff's Australian Wildlife Site activities
- Jo's site of Emergencies & Disasters
- Kylie's Brisbane Activities
- Mahsa's Iran Art, Culture & History Activities
- Natalia's International English Activities for Russian Students
- Nilly's ESL Activities on International Food
- Pam's ESL Video Hits
- Yvonne's Solar System activities
- Sascha's blog
- Lesley's blog
- Kazu's blog
- Owen's blog
- Robee's blog
- Kat's Study blog
- Kat's Travel blog
- Kat's Non-Travel blog
- Lila's blog
- Bound4Brisbane
- Boredom Busters
- Who is the best Travel Agent?
- Travelling in Taiwan
- Getting to know Henan Province
- Learning about Dinosaurs
- Build a Castle!
- Robee's Dinosaur Activities
- Owen's Bound for Brisbane Extension Activities
- Lesley's Travelling in Taiwan Extension Activities
- Kazu's Post-Quest Activities
- Sascha's Tall or Short Listening Activities
- My Canadian teaching blog
- Norm's ITBL blog
- ITBL student projects
- Lila's new blog in China
- Veronica Baig's Distance Ed ESL course blog
- Veronica Baig's other AU Distance Ed course blog
- Kylie's teaching blog
- Radha's new blog
- Kat's on-going blog
- Owen's other blog
- Kylie's English class blog
- Kylie's Teaching blog
- Kat's Teaching & Learning blog
- Kat's UK students' blog
- Yvonne's First MSN space (Chinese)
- Time flies & the New Year, 2008 is upon us! I thou...
- Well, it is certainly about time I posted here aga...
- Such a long time since I've posted??!! I feel blog...
- My last workshop with the Technology & Second Lang...
- All the webquests are coming in now & there is jus...
- The second work shop went well last week & every -...
- Hah - rain at last!! I saw a rainbow on my way hom...
- The first workshop seemed to go well - lots of stu...
- So, this morning is the first workshop for my new ...
- All of a sudden, a new semester has begun?! I met ...
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Sem. 1 2007 CLN618 Student Blog Links
Sem. 1 2007 CLN618 Online Projects
Sem. 1 2007 CLN618 Student Webquests
Sem. 2 2006 Student Links
Sem. 2 CLN618 Student Blog Links
Sem. 2 CLN618 Student WebQuests
(The links below with an asterix * are internal to QUT & will not be viewable externally - I'm working on hosting them on my own webspace)
Sem. 2 CLN618 Student Online Projects
Sem. 1 2006 Student Links
Sem. 1 CLN618 Student Blog Links
Sem. 1 CLN618 Student WebQuests
Sem. 1 CLN618 Student Activities Projects
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