Well, it is certainly about time I posted here again! I have settled in to my new home in Canmore (well, temporarily until January, at least) and am enjoying the rather cool weather (so far had one night when it went down to -11C?!). It is a little chillier than I'm used to, but I was expecting that ... in a sort of way ...
I am about to start marking the final projects of my 618 students & I'm looking forward to seeing what you have all put together - & what your "reviewers" have to say about your productions ;-).
It snowed here again on Saturday night and Sunday, turning even the ugliest parts of town (& there aren't many of those) into a winter wonderland. But now it has mostly melted again, ready for the next snowfall which is predicted this Friday, I think. I'll see how long the snow lasts then?!