Hah - rain at last!! I saw a rainbow on my way home from work this afternoon & nearly drove off the road - it was so beautiful & it's so long since I've seen one! Sadly, I didn't have my camera, so I couldn't get a photo ...
This Saturday is the second workshop for this semester for technology & second language learning - should be fun! ... hard work, but fun :-) Wonder what food I should bring for morning & afternoon tea (read: energy boosts) this time ...?
The first workshop seemed to go well - lots of students & everyone has created their own blogs & posted something on the wiki site, so we're moving! Some people don't seem to have adopted their blogs as their own yet, but we have a drop-in session this afternoon, so I hope to spread some enthusiasm then ...
The first assignment is a webquest & I don' t think many people have actually read up on what exactly a webquest is or how to create one - so I'm expecting lots of questions this afternoon! I'll have to draw their attention to the webquest worksheet & the readings on that, as well as Atomic Learning & the Dreamweaver tutorials. Lots of fun & exploration ahead!
So, this morning is the first workshop for my new semester of technology & L2 students. I'm excited and anxious at the same time ... how well will they respond? Will they enjoy the classes? Will they be able to find & learn to use good tools that will help them in their current or future teaching?I'm looking forward to showing them some of the great software that is out there now & helping them understand how to use it ... so we shall see how this semester develops ... ?! :-)