So here I am on the trip Seattle to Fair- banks ... seems surreal to be actually going to this place we have had such fun contact with over the last year or so ... I thought you would enjoy a couple of photos of the scenery of the trip up, from the air - so here they are! More later when I download & process them.

So time flies & so much has hap-
pened?! Here I am in Fair-
banks with The
CDE people, doing some visiting & thank
-yous for the help they have given me over the last 2 semesters, to help make my course more interesting and provide some really distant experience :-)
I met Chris, our workshop instructor, f2f for the 1st time, gave him a little Australian something from all of us (see photo) and today I am off with a group of other people from the CDE to visit Chena Hot Springs ... & bathe in the water ... who would have thought?!
I hope to have some more photos from there later to post here :-)
In the meantime, here is a photo of Chris just after he received our thank-you gift - I think he was a bit embarrassed that we thought he was such a drinker that we gave him 2 Guritno shot glasses ;-}
I was also lucky enough to meet the VC for Rural, Community & Native Education & presented her with a greeting gift from QUT.