In some time out last week end I found this flower in the midst of a whole patch in the windswept sand dunes - couldn't resist taking a photo & posting it here for reflection ...
This week links to the student Web quests are starting to sprout like mushrooms on the students projects page of the class wiki, so it looks like we have some go-ers! always a relief when the light breaks through & success is achieved ... Now it's back over to me to start moving or copying them all on to my own webspace so that they're all viewable from the same location & by the big wide world, not just within QUT.
I hope that Norm Vaughn's students in Calgary will be starting to exchange blog comments with my students shortly - it looks like they will be starting on blogs next week, so that should be exciting - for all concerned!
Our last Saturday workshop will be this weekend, when we will be exploring the vagaries of electronic portfolios, collaboratories, Hot Potatoes for web-based activity creation & media such as Audacity & Movie Maker ... should be interesting! I'm also planning on having some problem-based focus group discussions on their experiences so far in this mode of delivery for this unit, and some further discussion about the philosophical and methodological issues surrounding the uses of technology for language teaching and learning ... interesting times ahead!
You've opened up a new world to us. Are 'hot potatoes' even more delicious?What will Saturday bring..? Good luck to you too, in the 1000 things you do!Cheers! Nilly
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