Tomorrow is the last workshop for this unit & things are starting to fall into place. I've lost one student - she just let me know yesterday that she's decided to downgrade from the Masters to the Certificate courses and so will not need so many units - so she chose mine to drop. I still haven't heard from the other students whether they'll be coming or not - or what stage their projects are at ...
It will be interesting to see how they are going - whether their lack of communication is because they are working so hard (on this or other units), whether they are too embarrassed to contact me because they are falling behind in terms of getting things done for the semester deadlines, or whether they just don't feel the need to contact me ... or maybe they've been in contact with each other?!
I've managed to organise logins for an online e-portfolio site for them to start experimenting with digital storytelling with media - I hope they get as fired up about this concept as I have been. It seems like a wonderful tool for language learners - and teachers!
I'll have to post some more discussion questions on the LMS, but I'm putting off doing this until they respond to the last one I posted ... I think the discussion forum has been lost in the flow of other forms of electronic communication. At least most of them are using their blogs actively, including posting comments on each others'.
And I've been seeing far too many dawns lately ... I'm sure it's not good for me! :-)
I'm looking forward to getting back to our (ir)regular virtual meetings again Owen!
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